We had an amazing trip this past weekend to NYC!! It was a bday present/surprise for Duke's bday. I surprised him with Yankee tickets and then surprised him again Saturday morning when he found out that our good friends the Powell's and the Beaumont's were going to NYC with us. We stayed in a great hotel, courtesy of Kathryn's Mom. Thanks so much for the wine Mrs. Powell!! It was right next to Bryant Park. we realized when we got there that is was Fashion Week! We saw all the tents and a few people who looked important, but no one we recognized.
I really love NY and can't wait to go back! We saw and did so much, the highlight being the Yankees game. Dad, thanks again SO MUCH for those tickets. Duke owes you some major chores around the house next time we are in PGH, so start making a list.
We had tickets 14 rows behind home plate. We enjoyed Nathan's Hot Dogs and some beers, and the got the biggest kick out of these two older women sitting behind us who have had season tickets since 1950...that's right, 1950! And, they knew everything there is to know about baseball and the Yankees. The only bad part was that the Yankees lost bigtime...sorry Duke!
Despite a rainy day on Friday, we still made it to several different neighborhoods on a bit of bar crawl with the Powell's friend Nitten who lives in NYC. Even though we had a local showing us around, we still stuck out as tourists in our fashionable bright yellow rain ponchos we got from the city tour bus. My favorite stop that day was
Freeman's. Very cool! The Beaumont's had to head off to meet some friends from the wedding that they were attending in NYC that weekend, so unfortunately, we didn't get to spend any more time with Jenny and John.
We also has some amazing food. Friday night, we went to
Spice Market in the meatpacking district. It was a recommendation from my friend Alison Hunt and it was amazing!!! We love it. Thanks Alison! Saturday was game day, and then we went to
IL Pallazzo in Little Italy for dinner. That may have been my favorite experience because we got to pass through Chinatown and then once we got to Little Italy, the
San Gennaro Festival was taking place. There were food booths lining the streets, games, tons of people, music. Our food was amazing and our waiter Tony kept things lively with several interesting stories about the area.
Sunday was a hot and sticky 90 degrees, but we headed out to Central Park anyway and took a carriage ride and walked around a bit. The Park is just gorgeous. We probably only saw a quarter of it, so I can't wait to go back and spend a whole day there.
We headed to the airport exhausted, but with tons of wonderful memories. Next time, we're doing a NYC shopping trip!! Below is a list of places we went for anyone looking for recommendations and a photo album.
Mercer CafeRoom 18Freeman's
AraSpice Market
IL Palazzo
Arthur's Pub