I can't believe I'm even typing this, but Duke and I are expecting twins!! We were so excited to find out in December that we were going to have a baby and then last week we found out we're going to have TWO babies! We laughed and cried at the same time when we saw our two babies on the ultrasound. We heard both heart beats and our doctor said they are both measuring perfectly right now. I am due in early August.
As you can imagine, Duke is on cloud nine. He couldn't wait to call his twin sister to tell her he is going to have twins. I'm am just as thrilled, but having a bit of a difficult time with morning sickness. The term mornign sickness is really just a sick joke. It's all day torture! Hopefully, I only have a few more weeks of that torture and will start to be able to embrace everything about the pregnancy as Duke keeps telling me to do.
We have quite the journey ahead of us and a lot of planning to do. Two of everything!!! We'll try to keep you posted on our blog during the pregnancy. I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories!
Right now we both just feel very lucky and blessed.
Duke, Sarah and the twins:)