We had a great weekend. Max and Tessa had their first hands-on experience with snow and they loved it. We let them play for a few minutes on our way out Saturday and they did not want to get in the car. We still need to get some appropriate snow clothes, but I can't seem to find snow boots small enough for Tessa's itty bitty feet.
After MANY requests from Duke to get Max's hair cut, I finally caved. I was just so afraid of loosing his curls, but it really did need cleaned up. He was starting to look a bit shaggy. So, Max got his first big boy hair cut on Sunday and other than one little cry, he did great! He drove the car he was sitting in, had some snacks and watched the "buh" (buses) go by outside the shop.
Sunday afternoon, we headed out to Duke's parents house for a Thanksgiving re-do. Since Max and Tessa were a little less than cooperative for us on Thanksgiving (we had to leave early without eating), Don and Mary made an entire Thanksgiving meal for us!! Max and Tessa loved the turkey and stuffing. Duke and I were very grateful to get a second chance at a very tasty meal.
Can you tell we tired them out this weekend?