We are back from Florida. I've decided not to call our trip a vacation. It was a learning experience. We learned a lot about traveling with twins! It was wonderful to see all of our family and enjoy some nice weather and give the babies a taste of pool time. However, poor Max and Tessa were under the weather with bad colds the whole time we were there. On a positive note, they did great on the plane.
I almost wish we could have stayed another week. It wasn't until the end of the trip that we started to feel like we had everything under control, got a good schedule going and the babies started to feel a bit better. Oh well, there's always next year!
Here are some pics and a slide show is below. As you can see, we still managed to have a good time and the babies still manage to look like the cutest things in the world even when they are sick. They are such a joy!
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