Thursday, July 23, 2009

35 Weeks and Belly Laughs

I hit the 35 week mark in my pregnancy yesterday. Most twins are born between 35 - 37 weeks. Mine however, seem to be pretty cozy right where they are. I supposed things can change at any moment, but for now we are thrilled that they are healthy and growing in my belly for a bit longer.

I haven not posted much about the pregnancy, but I thought I would share a few funny stories. Things people have said to me while I have been pregnant have been the most entertaining part of this whole experience. Now, let me be completely clear, I find all of these encounters and statements funny. I have not been offended by any of them. Plus I have had many more people say wonderfully flattering things to me all the way through the pregnancy.

Duke after reading about breastfeeding: You are going to start pumping the month before you have the babies to store up the milk, right?
Me: after lots of laughter - "That's not really how it works honey"
(he's got it straight now!)

Einstein Bagel Employee: "Awww...are you having a boy or a girl and how far along are you?"
Me: "I'm having twins, and I'm 6 months"
Einstein Bagel Employee: "Girl, I can't believe your face isn't even messed up yet!"
(apparently some pregnant women's facial features change, specifically their noses...who knew?)

Random stranger: "do you know what you are having?"
Me: "not yet, but it's twins."
Random stranger: "Oh my, we thought we might have twins and we were so relieved to find out it was just one."

Cashier to me at 34 weeks: "You're about ready to pop any time"
Duke: She's having twins"
Cashier: "Oh, that's why you are SO big"

Co-worker: "Are you sure you aren't having triplets"

Now this one takes the cake!!!!! -
Co-worker to me in a meeting of 10 people: "Oh my goodness, look at you. You know they have a TV show named after you"
Me: What show is that?
Co-worker: "House! hahahaha"

I'm sure it's just the beginning of funny and interesting things people will say to us and things Duke and I will say to each other. I need to remember to write all of them down in journal so we can look at back and have a good laugh now and then.

My next appointment is a week from today and we should be able to update you on the babies sizes. Can't wait to find out how much they've grown!

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